Many Thanks

November 28, 2019

Hi folks, Happy Thanksgiving!!
Please see below for my latest email update. Hope everyone is well!  

Take care and hope to see you soon,

I have a gratitude journal that I write in each day, just one line of one thing I’m grateful for.  I do it everyday even when I’m really not in a good mood.  I have learned it’s pretty important to find a way to practice gratitude.  And like any other thing it’s a practice!!!!!  

I feel immensely grateful generally and sometimes deeply connected to how blessed my life is. Sometimes too I feel disconnected from the blessings when I feel challenged with my own baggage...but I still find something to be grateful for – even a morning to myself or temperatures above freezing, anything.  Including finding gratitude for the most challenging situations.  Practicing this feels important even (and especially) when I am in question of what I could possibly be grateful for.  This disbelief seems to ebb as I continue things like the gratitude journal.

Today though I am expressing gratitude for each of you!  I started my private practice just over one year ago and each of you I know somehow through my work.  Thank you for being in my life and for being who you are!

I hope you are having the kind of Thanksgiving day that you really want to have...or finding gratitude for the things you find the most challenging at this time of year.

A Zen teacher named Cheri Huber says the components of a happy life are: gratitude, kindness, willingness, love and compassionate awareness.

When you have a chance consider each of these words individually, and then together as a process moving from the first word to the last.